10 uses for WordPress

WordPress is an effective and accessible platform for individuals and businesses to use.  Over the years, the popularity of this web platform has grown, especially as WordPress web hosting services have been added to many of the top domain and web hosting services sites. Here are ten uses for WordPress you may find beneficial.

  1. Business Recognition

Because WordPress's key functionality is to provide information that can be updated or added to, businesses may find that WordPress sites offer ease of use and allow businesses to connect with their clients. Businesses can provide information about their products, goods, services, or events.

  1. SERP Boosting

WordPress is a quick way for businesses and individuals to boost their online presence. Due to how content is added to WordPress, SEO words and Phrases can be added to their site, which can then be identified by SERP (search engine result pages). The more content added, the higher the rankings.

  1. Newsletters

Have you ever wanted to go back and look at an old newsletter or update from a business? WordPress hosting services have archive functionality that allows users to access older posts. This does not diminish the overall site's visuals or message, as new information is always presented at the forefront.

  1. Portfolios

Due to the platform's versatility, various individuals can use WordPress as the showcase platform for their portfolios. Whether you use a template or have a professional manipulate your WordPress site will dictate the overall presentation. However, easy WordPress hosting options allow you to put your best foot forward for those who have a low budget and wish to have a portfolio website to accompany a resume.

  1. Build Facebook and Social Media Shares

WordPress plugins allow you to integrate your site with social media links. Furthermore, you can have push notifications to your site for your subscribers, encouraging them to share, post, or Tweet content from your WordPress Site. Some available plugins also generate snippets that can be posted to your Facebook and other social media pages.

  1. Provide customers with information

Suppose you are a doctor, lawyer, or another professional who needs to relate information to their clients, but you do not wish to repeat the same information repeatedly. In that case, having a WordPress site may be the best option for you. For example, if you need to relate CDC recommendations to your patients, you can post those updates on your WordPress site and direct your clients to that page to read the information.

  1. As an e-commerce site

WordPress sites offer a way in which to have a low-cost domain registration as well as affordable plugins. The best way to create a WordPress eCommerce site is to use WooCommerce. Additionally, when you pair a WooCommerce site with a portfolio of your goods or services, you can reach the maximum number of potential customers.

  1. Create Plugins

Programmers and app developers may find a niche in creating WordPress plugins. If you create plugins, ensure that you gain creditability by having screenshots showing their functionality. As many plugins on WordPress are free, any plugins created for profit must not only solve a problem but also go beyond what is currently available for download.

  1. DIY solutions

Do it yourself solution sites have grown as more people have been forced to work from home and seek online revenue. Professionals in their field can offer courses and content to train individuals. However, as a person often seeks an immediate solution to a pressing problem, having a DIY site can help the person seeking easy-to-follow instructions and help you gain clients as they are directed to your WordPress site.

  1. Everyday Blogging

Not all WordPress sites are business-driven. Many users of WordPress find that blogging daily, weekly, or bi-weekly provides them with a therapeutic means of expressing themselves. Bloggers can write on many topics and are not limited to word counts or content. Additionally, as WordPress offers a variety of privacy options, plugins, add-ons, filters, etc., the writer can dictate what information is available to the public and what information is private. For example, log-in features can be added to the page if a blog site contains sensitive information about emotions and mental health. Keep in mind that some features will require a joining of your WordPress site with the WordPress domain and hosting services.


While these are ten uses of WordPress, they are not a definitive list of the only possibilities of the platform. WordPress can work as a CMS (content management service) for a website, provide digital formats for magazines and books, give exclusive access to members of various sports and activities and more. 

  • WordPress, blogging, CMS, Plugins, e-commerce, Social Media, Newsletters, SERP
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