Week top Stories About Design

Website content and design trends are constantly changing. Visuals and the algorithms associated with a successful site are changed to meet the various demands of the target audience and the software and servers containing the content. Knowing the various design trends is critical to your site's design to maximize your website's performance. Here are a few of the top stories about website design to help you get started.

Do the 1990s hold the key to sustainable websites?

When building a website, many developers get too focused on the site's aesthetics. This is primarily due to the demand from visitors for stunning content and a high level of user engagement. CNN reports that when creating sites saturated with various visuals, videos, and animations, that the impact on the environment grows. Looking back to the basic designs, the report states that although the visuals demanded by the customers should not be abandoned, putting redundant and non-essential visual content is best left off of a site. 

The report points to a vast design and website performance advantage of stripping away unneeded code and visuals, response times. The more content a page has, the longer it takes to load. Furthermore, limiting content makes the user focus on the design rather than on bells and whistles.

20 Top Web & Graphic Design Trends in 2021 (And How to Recreate Them)

In a story by ThemeJunkie, various trends in 2021 are explored. This story is beneficial for those with WordPress domain and hosting, as many of the examples shown would work within that platform. What makes this story a must-read is that you can recreate the sites depending upon the needs of your site's content. For example, if you have a visually lacking landing page, you may want overlapping text on a stunning photo. Creating this page while maintaining website performance and continuity in your design is essential, and this story helps to maintain that continuity.

How to find 'web-safe' fonts that are compatible across browsers and devices for designers

The text will be part of your overall design when designing a website. Whether your website is e-commerce, a blog, or a portfolio, you must be able to read text easily. At the same time, the font needs to match the design qualities of your site. An article by Fun Si QU explains the various fonts that have come out in 2021, which are considered to be web-safe. For both the windows and Mac users, these fonts are Arial, Trebuchet MS, Verdana, Courier New, Times New Roman (which design-wise should be avoided if possible) and Georgia. Should your site's focus be only for windows or mac users, other fonts are web-safe.

Keep in mind that if you use a windows or mac only font, users of the opposite platform (for example, a mac user accessing a windows site) will have substituted fonts. This could result in substantial differences in design. Check your visuals to ensure design consistency.

What Windows 11 Means for Developers

Having the best design is having the design available on the latest platforms. Adhering to the standards of the platform is required. Microsoft has recently released information about their new Windows 11 platform. Top-rated web hosting will be making changes to how information is maintained and uploaded as changes take place. Additionally, designers, especially those who use WordPress hosting services, may wish to read the official specifications and requirements necessary for successful design and development for windows 11.

6 Website Design Flaws to Avoid

A story released by INC. explains that website design is more than just having what is needed and avoiding what is detrimental. In his article, Ilya Pozin, the founder of Pluto TV, states that designers should know where the eye wanders, what images are used, who the design is focused on attracting, the colours used, call-to-actions, and more. Not only does the story say what to avoid, but it gives insights into how to fix these design flaws.

By understanding the critical flaws to avoid, designs can be blocked out and then created which are fully UI/UX optimized, perform better, and bring in more visitors.

Why is renewing your domain important?

Designers may wish to embed content into their site's design. But is this a good thing? That all depends upon how much due diligence has been taken to ensure that the domain name registration services for the embedded link are up to date. Unchecked embeds can result in unwanted site redirects (as recent news has shown). In an article on Gandhi news, various reasons why renewing your domain is essential. 

To check your domain login to your domain and web hosting service. Most domain name registration USA-based sites will indicate when your name will expire if you are worried that an old domain name may be used by a site that would negatively affect your website's design intentions, run a backlink checker.

  • WordPress, domain and hosting, Design Flaws, Website Design
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