The Internet’s Environmental Impact

The internet is how we live our daily lives. We use it to find the best places to eat when visiting other areas or get our holiday shopping out of the way more efficiently. It seems as though there is nothing the internet cannot do for our lives, but it carries a dirty little secret that many do not even know is a problem. The internet is a demon in terms of how it impacts our environment. 

Most people do not even consider that the internet could be damaging the environment. They are so focused on the physical nature of significant contributors such as cars and planes. We can see these attributes and manage them in the physical realm, but the internet is sucking up to 4% of our gross energy use each year without anyone even realizing it. Business owners buy WordPress hosting services expecting them to be naturally environmentally friendly. Still, you can do more to help and here are just some of the internet’s environmental impacts so far. 

What is Happening on the Internet?

Take a moment and think about what you do on the internet personally. Social media shares, emails sent and received, generally browsing the internet, and streaming are everyday things we all love to do, but what are we doing? The truth may come as some shock, but all the messages, presentations, documents, photos, videos, memes, and emails impact. With approximately 80% of the world’s population accessing the internet daily, that is a lot of energy. Each tiny bit of energy begins to add up to a significant number in a brief period. 

How Our Devices Affect the Environment

Once you grasp that your online activities harm energy consumption, you can turn your attention to the use of your devices. Most people have their smartphones. Some people use multiple devices for business and leisure time. Smartphones, tablets, computers, and smart TVs all impact the environment. 

Facilities That Provide Internet

Finally, when you consider the impact of our devices on the internet, you must also examine facilities that produce our favourite internet-enabled products. Many manufacturing facilities have made significant strides in improving their carbon footprint by utilizing green energy resources. Still, our desire to have the latest and greatest tech-enabled devices continually feeds the beast of manufacturing facilities. It is an endless cycle that we only have control over if we acknowledge it. 

What Needs to Be Done?

We have the power to have a significant impact on our global energy consumption if we choose to. Investing in green energy for your personal life is a great start. Still, as a business owner, you are responsible to your clients to provide a greener format to your website. For starters, when looking for domain name registration services or when you buy WordPress hosting, ask the company if they are utilizing green technology and which they are investing in. Many hosting and domain name registration companies are also working to reduce their carbon footprint. When we support one another in this manner, we can have a far more significant impact on the world around us. 

Also, ensure your business website runs with greener technology practices, such as reducing the size of images to increase upload speed. Look for anywhere on your website that may be causing it to use too much energy. The little things make the most impact when it comes to energy conservation and reduce the negative impact the internet has on energy consumption. 

Remember, billions of websites and countless users access the internet throughout the day. It takes all efforts from businesses and average citizens to help make the internet a more energy-efficient space. So, when you are looking for the fastest shared hosting WordPress services, just the price should not matter. Look deeper into the world of internet energy consumption and work to manage a better format for doing business. It can cost monetarily initially, but what it gives back is priceless and produces a more energy-efficient and energy-conscious society.

  • WordPress, carbon footprint, energy-efficient, energy consumption
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